Today’s Application Control and Whitelisting: Realistic Security, Realistically Deployed

Application control technologies such as whitelisting have proven their value in blocking attacks from making malicious changes to systems, stealing access credentials and gaining a foothold toward damaging access to highly sensitive information.

And yet, many seem to think proactive application controls such as whitelisting are simply too unrealistic or disruptive.

Really? Then what is “realistic?” The effectiveness of antivirus, network defense, and other “blacklist”-oriented defenses that are supposed to recognize and block attacks? And how disruptive were these incidents reported in Verizon’s 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report?

  • The number of breaches in which malware was a factor has risen from 26% between 2004 and 2007, to 69% in 2011, when it was implicated in 99% of records breached.
  • “Hacking” as a category was implicated in 51% of successful breaches between 2004 and 2007. In 2011, it was a factor in 81%.

Clearly, the time has come to do things differently.

Join EMA Managing Research Director, Scott Crawford, and Bit9 Director of Product Marketing, Ian Lee to learn how today’s Application Control and Whitelisting solutions gives organizations more than a strong answer to today’s more demanding threats. Attendees will learn how today’s technologies make effective security more transparent and adaptable to business requirements than ever before.

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Duration: 1 hour

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