Managing Networks in the Age of Cloud, SDN, and Big Data:
Network Management Megatrends 2014

Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud, SDN, virtualization, mobility, Big Data . . . the list of technology changes and innovations affecting the daily lives of network managers, planners, and engineers is long. And in parallel, the network has never been more visible or important as an essential element for IT success.  How are networking professionals dealing with these major disruptions while keeping their eyes on the ultimate goal of highly reliable, high-performing connectivity? What changes must be made to network management products, workflows, and organizations to keep pace, let alone stay ahead of the game?

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Duration: 45 minutes

Enterprise Management Associates™ (EMA) has conducted a major research study to assess and better understand the current and emerging influences affecting the daily priorities of network managers and operators and the management tools, technologies, and practices they employ.

Join EMA Vice President of Research, Jim Frey, and Principal Research Analyst, Tracy Corbo, to learn the results of this just-completed research through an informative Webinar where they will:

  • Detail current demands placed on network planners and operators
  • Examine the impact that Cloud is having on network visibility and control
  • Discuss organizational shifts towards increasingly application and service-oriented teams
  • Look at the top most common root causes of network and application performance issues
  • Reveal surprising results on which management data sources are considered most valuable and important for network managers across organization types and sizes.

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